Every Day (2010)


Plot: Ned and Jeannie: married 19 years. Ned has trouble with Garrett, his boss at the cable show he writes, and he's ill-at-ease with his older son Jonah's coming out and wanting to go to a high-school gay student society prom. Jeannie puts work on hold while she attends to Ernie, her sour and mean-spirited father whose ill health forces him to move in with them. While Jeannie taxis the boys, goes to one son's recital, sees to her father's needs, and fixes meals, Garrett assigns Ned to rewrite a script with Robin, an uninhibited, unattached colleague who offers no-strings fun. Can this family hold together while a chicken hawk circles Jonah, Robin inveigles Ned, and death hunts Ernie?

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