Plot: A group of young dancers arrives at the ABA (American Ballet Academy) in New York to an audition. Twelve are selected to dispute the opportunity to be chosen to a workshop to have a chance to become professional dancers. Among the female dancers, the gorgeous Jody Sawyer, the rebel Eva Rodriguez and the anorexic Maureen Cummings share a room and become friends. The lead dancer and choreographer Cooper Nielson has a personal dispute with the director and choreographer Jonathan Reeves since he married his partner and girlfriend Kathleen Donahue. Along the days, there are friendship, tension, romance, frustration and many training in the lives of the participants.
Alternative Plot: A dozen adolescents have begun their training at the renowned American Ballet Academy, where they encounter tremendous physical and mental stress while vying for a coveted spot in a celebrated dance company. Jody Sawyer (Amanda Schull) has talent but the wrong proportions, the fiery Eva Rodriguez (Zoe Saldana) can't seem to get along with her instructors and Maureen (Susan May Pratt) is having a hard time enduring the emotional highs and lows that accompany ballet school.
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