Canadian Bacon (1995)

Plot: The current President of the United States is facing unprecedented unpopularity for the sheer fact of the country being at peace, with the fifty or so years of the Cold War being over. One such example of his unpopularity stems from R.J. Hacker, head of weapons manufacturer Hacker Dynamics, arguably the largest single employer in the Niagara region, needing to lay off workers because the American military needs no weapons. With no jobs to be had, many of those former Hacker employees have resorted to committing suicide by jumping off the falls, with the local government creating makeshift jobs to deal with the suicide issue. Stu Smiley, the President's Head of Security, is able to convince the President and General Dick Panzer, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to concoct a second Cold War to increase his popularity. When none of their old Cold War enemies will cooperate, Smiley, with the clandestine knowledge of Hacker, devises a plan using the knowledge of a low level CIA agent who believes in absurd conspiracies to overthrow the government, that their Cold War target should be Canada. The President agrees to the plan only if there are no casualties in the process. In enacting the plan, Smiley, the President and Panzer do not foresee the problems of zealous and patriotic citizens, such as Niagara County sheriff Bud Boomer who sees Niagara as being the front line of defense against the Canadians, Bud's trigger-happy wife Honey, and their equally simple-minded friends, Kabral Jabar and "Roy Boy". They are also unaware that Hacker also has his own ideas to increase business, using something called the Hacker Hellstorm, which he sold to the Canadians as a weather tracking system but which the Canadians don't know has other uses.

Alternative Plot: In a desperate bid to revive his abysmal peacetime approval rating, the president of the United States (Alan Alda) agrees to a scheme proposed by corrupt cabinet member Stu Smiley (Kevin Pollak) and launches a top-secret propaganda campaign to vilify Canada. As U.S. citizens get caught up in a xenophobic hysteria, a group of residents of Niagara, N.Y., wielding machine guns, organize a vigilante invasion that could trigger a real war with America's gentle neighbor to the north.

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