Plot: Excited with the arrival of their baby girl, Julie, the happy couple of James, the cab driver, and Molly, the accountant, will have to prepare young Mikey for the role of the big brother. Against the backdrop of rigorous potty training, heated arguments, and, first and foremost, healthy sibling rivalry, both adults and children alike will learn that family is above all. Will Julie follow in Mikey's footsteps?
Alternative Plot: In the sequel to "Look Who's Talking," formerly single mom Mollie (Kirstie Alley) is about to have a baby with lovable lug James (John Travolta). While the happy couple are thrilled by their new arrival, Molly's firstborn, the precocious toddler, Mikey (Bruce Willis), is frustrated at all the attention his smart-mouthed infant sister (Roseanne Barr) is garnering. As the rivalry heats up, Mikey decides to take a stand by mastering his potty training.
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