Plot: The film revolves around the story of a man called Jensen "Jason Statham" who "a driver in his immatured life" lives with his wife and daughter and works hard to make both ends meet. He is falsely accused of his wife's murder and deported to prison for life sentence. In that prison the warden called Henessey "JoanAllen" holds a death contest between prison inmates through a race and broadcast it live(online) to its viewers "those who subscribes for a little fee".Jensen is given the place of Frankenstein "a previous driver who is loved by the audience but is killed in the race". Jensen agrees to race in order to gain his freedom which is offered by the warden herself. He takes part in the race but during the game learns the truth that Henessey killed his wife in order to bring him to the race as Frankenstein so that she could continue her evil game. Jensen when became aware of the fact decided to escape from it and succeeds in escaping with his one of his inmate by developing a plan.
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