Plot: Adopted son, Largo Winch (Tomer Sisley) goes through several ordeals to determine who killed his father, Nerio (Predrag "Miki" Manojlovic). It seems that there is no one he can trust. Probably one man, the man with the scar under his lower lip, is actually with him (though, for a time, he looks like a double cross). Many of the characters in the "W Group" could be the murderer (or a double crosser). However, the actual killer admits to the deed (which is taped on a cell phone by ?). Sometimes the twists and turns in the movie are confusing, and work themselves out in the final few minutes. It is later revealed that Largo's brother was adopted, as well, by Nerio. Only by watching the plot unravel more than one time can one determine how and why the other adopted brother became involved in the final solution.
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