Plot: A long-standing and irreconcilable feud between two local ferrymen, Captain Kosmas and Yorgaras Yokaris, splits the peaceful community of a small and picturesque Cycladic island. But, with their offspring and young apprentices--Madalena, a tenacious and optimistic daughter; and Labis, a harsh and expert boatman--more than eager to prolong their parents' bitter conflict, an untimely demise will only incur the heavy responsibility of providing for an already multitudinous and poor family; nevertheless, who would trust a young captain? Sooner or later, things are bound to take a turn for the worse; however, can a humble but well-respected priest help the two impassioned seafarers bury the hatchet--and, maybe--find love?
Alternative Plot: The microcosm of a small Greek island is divided into two parties.
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