Plot: After the tragic death of his parents, high school graduate Jonas lives with his grandfather on a North Sea island. It is a time of new beginnings, the time of the first love. The arrival of the new German language teacher Helena turns Jonas' life completely upside down. She recognizes and encourages his writing talent and uses this trust to build an intimate relationship with him. But Jonas doesn't suspect that Helena is pursuing a deadly plan
Alternative Plot: After the tragic death of his parents, high school graduate Jonas lives on a North Sea island with his grandfather. It is a time of departure, the time of the first great love. The arrival of the new, young German teacher Helena turns Jonas' life completely upside down. She recognizes and encourages his writing talent and uses this emerging trust to build an intimate relationship with him. However, Jonas has no idea that Helena is pursuing a deadly plan. Black Island is a multi-layered thriller that tells of the disastrous relationship between a student and his teacher.
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