Plot: The plot chronicles the adventures of teenage Max McGrath who lost his father and has been living with his mother and moving from town to town. Finally they reached back to their old place, and alien companion Steel, who is symbiotically bonded and who utilizes a unique form of esoteric energy to become the turbo-charged superhero Max Steel. As these two unlikely friends struggle to accept their oddly connected fates, they begin to uncover unimaginable secrets, working together to find the truth, and fighting the mysterious forces threatening their world..
Alternative Plot: Teenager Max McGrath (Ben Winchell) discovers that his body can generate the most powerful energy in the universe. Steel (Josh Brener) is a funny, slightly rebellious, techno-organic extraterrestrial who wants to utilize Max's skills. When the two meet, they combine together to become Max Steel, a superhero with unmatched strength on Earth. They soon learn to rely on each other when Max Steel must square off against an unstoppable enemy from another galaxy.
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