Plot: Seeking refuge and solace after a horrifying loss, traumatised Harper flees London and holes up in a secluded manor in the idyllic English countryside. But healing, like change, takes time. And, haunted by painful memories and unbearable guilt, Harper thirsts for redemption. However, a brief exploration of the lush local landscapes reveals strange happenings as uncomfortable encounters thwart Harper's ambitious plans to bounce back. As a result, irremediable grief turns into a sinister undercurrent of malaise, and soon, sheer dread takes over. Now there's nowhere to hide. Can the slow, transformative process of repair in mind, body, and soul become an inescapable nightmare??
Alternative Plot: In the aftermath of a personal tragedy, Harper (Jessie Buckley) retreats alone to the beautiful English countryside, hoping to have found a place to heal. But someone or something from the surrounding woods appears to be stalking her. What begins as simmering dread becomes a fully-formed nightmare, inhabited by her darkest memories and fears in visionary filmmaker Alex Garland's (Ex Machina, Annihilation) feverish, shape-shifting new horror film.
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