Plot: In anticipation of a great family reunion, happily married Sam and Charlotte make the necessary preparations for the memorable night. Everyone is expected: their children, Hank and Eleanor; their grandchildren; Charlotte's father, Bucky; her sister, Emma, and, of course, Aunt Fishy. Little by little, as the intertwined stories of four generations of Coopers unfold, well-kept secrets, unspoken desires, and intimate wishes begin to surface, just before the dinner on Christmas Eve. Sooner or later, the Coopers will have to realise that--even though it is easy to lose track of their shared lives--occasionally, unexpected encounters can bring hope and joy when they least expect it. Can the Coopers survive the most beautiful time of the year?
Alternative Plot: For their annual Christmas Eve celebration, Sam Cooper (John Goodman) and his wife Charlotte (Diane Keaton) welcome four generations of extended family, including son Hank (Ed Helms), daughter Eleanor (Olivia Wilde) and Charlotte's father, Bucky (Alan Arkin). Sam and Charlotte are separating after 40 years of marriage, while Hank is in the middle of a divorce. As the guests reveal their respective problems, they also rediscover the importance of kinship and the spirit of the holiday.
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