Miracle at St. Anna (2008)

Plot: In New York, the elder employee of the post-office, Hector Negron, goes on a rampage killing a client by shooting him with a Luger. The rookie reporter of the Daily News, Tim Boyle, follows the detectives that are investigating the case. They find the valuable head of the statue Primavera in his wardrobe. Tim decides to interview the catatonic Hector. Out of the blue, he starts talking about the 92nd Division "Buffalo Soldiers" in Tuscan, Italy, in World War II. Hector and three other soldiers - 2nd Staff Sergeant Aubrey Stamps, Sergeant Bishop Cummings and the slow Private First Class Sam Train - cross a river. However his company is destroyed by the German soldiers. While trapped in a village, Train rescues the eight year-old boy, Angelo Torancelli, who survived a massacre in St. Anna village, and they become connected to each other. As times go on, the platoon interacts with the villagers and Hector discloses a story of prejudice and betrayal in times of war.

Alternative Plot: During World War II, members of the U.S. Army's all-black division are stationed in the Tuscany region of Italy. Four of the soldiers (Derek Luke, Michael Ealy, Laz Alonso, Omar Benson Miller) become trapped behind enemy lines and separated from the rest of their unit after one of them risks his life to save an Italian boy.

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