Plot: Peter Beaupre is the leader of a group of thieves who have stolen a valuable Air Force computer chip. When a bag mixup at the O'Hare Grouchy old Mrs. Hess accidentally brings home from the airport a toy remote-control car with a top-secret microchip hidden inside. Beaupre and his followers: Alice Ribbons, Earl Unger, and Burton Jernigan, start searching Mrs. Hess's neighborhood and breaking into houses searching for the chip. 8-year-old Alex Pruitt reports seeing Beaupre and his followers, but Alex's sister Molly, his brother Stan, and his parents Jack and Karen refuse to believe him. Beaupre and his followers figure out that the chip is in the Pruitt home, because Mrs. Hess gave Alex the remote-control car. Alex is left home alone with chickenpox when Karen goes to work, Jack goes out of town on a business trip, and Molly and Stan go to school. When Beaupre and his followers break into the Pruitt house, Alex is ready with some of the most painful booby traps Beaupre's gang will ever face.
Alternative Plot: When an inept group of criminals tries to get a stolen top-secret computer chip through airport security, it ends up in a toy car in the luggage of the elderly Mrs. Hess (Marian Seldes). Unable to promptly retrieve the chip, the felons follow Hess and the car to her neighborhood. After she gives the toy to young Alex Pruitt (Alex D. Linz), who is home sick from school, he becomes the target of the criminals. However, the precocious kid is on to their schemes and ready to fight the thieves off.
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