Hardwired (2009)

Plot: In a future world dominated by the corporations, Luke Gibson is driving his beloved pregnant wife Veronica to her work on the day of his birthday; out of the blue, a truck hits their car. Luke's medical insurance is expired and he is doomed to die; however, the executive of the Hope Corporation Virgil proposes Luke's sister to submit him to an experimental surgery with the implant of a chip in his brain. Luke awakes and soon he discovers that he has visions and he is Subject 373 of a secret project. He is helped by a team of hackers formed by Keyboard that became paraplegic after being shot by a henchman of the Hope Corporation; his father Hal; Punk Blue; and Punk Red. Luke tries to recover his memories and discover the objective of the mysterious project.

Alternative Plot: After surviving a car crash that kills his pregnant wife, Luke Gibson (Cuba Gooding Jr.) wakes up in the hospital with complete amnesia. He's been severely injured, but is alive thanks to a groundbreaking brain implant from a powerful multinational corporation. As Luke recovers, he starts to realize his implant is dangerous and seeks help from Hal (Michael Ironside), the leader of a group of hackers. A shadowy executive (Val Kilmer) tries to stop Luke and Hal before they learn too much.

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