Plot: Eager to slow down a little bit, Louis and Rachel Creed--along with their children, Ellie, and toddler, Gage--relocate to Maine, on the outskirts of the sleepy rural town of Ludlow. With their new home being alarmingly near to a busy country road, Louis will soon learn firsthand the otherworldly power of the mist-capped burial ground beyond the strange pet cemetery in the woods, when tragedy strikes the Creed family. Now, a grief-smitten Louis has no other choice but to believe in the dark force of the old Indian necropolis' stony and sour soil; however, some boundaries are not meant to be broken. Is it true that, on the mystical hilltop, death has no power?
Alternative Plot: Dr. Louis Creed and his wife, Rachel, relocate from Boston to rural Maine with their two young children. The couple soon discover a mysterious burial ground hidden deep in the woods near their new home. When tragedy strikes, Louis turns to his neighbor Jud Crandall, setting off a perilous chain reaction that unleashes an unspeakable evil with horrific consequences.
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