Plot: Following a ship wreck, a baby is rescued by a clan of Ninja warriors and raised by them as one of their own. But Haru (Chris Farley), as he is called, never quite fits in, nor does he manage to make a worthy Ninja. However, the good-natured and persevering Haru, in his own bumbling way, and with some help from Gobei (Robin Shou), manages to prove himself to be a winner in the end.
Alternative Plot: When a young American boy washes ashore near a village populated by skilled Japanese warriors, they raise the child as one of them and instruct him in the ways of ninjitsu. Unfortunately, he grows up to be the overweight and inept but very enthusiastic Haru (Chris Farley), who remains intent on becoming a real ninja. Haru's first assignment -- protecting a beautiful woman from California -- doesn't go smoothly, since he's both uncoordinated and completely unaccustomed to Western culture.
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