Plot: In a small Massachusetts town, two bumbling criminals mistakenly kidnap a maid, thinking her to be the wife of a prominent businessman. D.C., short for Darn Cat, is an alley cat who, while looking for his nightly snack, stumbles upon the kidnap victim, bound and gagged in a shed. The kidnap victim scratches a plea for help on the back of her wristwatch and puts it around the cat's neck. Patti finds the watch and links it to the missing maid. Playing amateur detective, she enlists the aid of an FBI agent, Zeke, who has been assigned to the case. Patti and Zeke follow D.C. through tight openings to track down the captive.
Alternative Plot: Bored with her quiet suburban Massachusetts town, bratty Patti Randall (Christina Ricci) is excited when her beloved cat, D.C., comes back to the house with a watch around his neck. After seeing that the timepiece has an appeal for help scratched on the back, Patti realizes it belongs to a recently kidnapped maid. She takes it it to FBI Agent Zeke Kelso (Doug E. Doug), who agrees to try and follow D.C.'s path to the missing woman, despite his skepticism.
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