Plot: Paris, present day. Brash 40-something André Masson (César Award-winner Alex Lutz), a hotshot modern art appraiser at prestigious high-end auction house Scottie’s, receives word that a painting by Egon Schiele may have been found in a young factory worker’s home in the Alsatian city of Mulhouse.
Though highly sceptical, André travels to view the canvas with his ex-partner Bettina (the superb Léa Drucker, 'Custody') who is also an expert valuator, only to be convinced of its authenticity as a masterwork long-assumed destroyed by Nazi officials during WWII. For André, the ramifications of this once-in-a-lifetime find for his career and for his contentious relationship with his less-than-reliable intern Aurore (Louise Chevillotte), will prove both unexpected and transformative.
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