Plot: Michael Carter tells his sons Nicholas and Theo that the part-Dingo dog who starred in the movie Red Dog he took them to is based on the life of his own dog, Blue. That pup was his comfort and companion when pre-teen fatherless 'Mick' was separated from his lush mother to be raised on the huge Western Australian cattle farm of his imposing grandpa. They also befriended the -partly Aboriginal- staff and got in and out of lots of trouble, never incurring worse then a well-deserved belting. The hiring of a governess sounds horrible, but foxy Betty Marble is every farm man and boy's wet dream. Mick only decides on a fugue when told his mother wants him back, only to be sent to boarding school. Just then, a bush fire threatens all.
Alternative Plot: An 11-year-old boy strikes up a friendship with a scrappy dog which will one day become an Australian legend.
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