Plot: In feudal Japan, 12-year-old eye-patched Kubo tends to his ill mother Sariatu (who bears a scar over her left eye as the result of a sailing accident at the beginning of the film) in a mountain cave near a small village. He earns their living by magically manipulating origami with music for the townsfolk, telling the tale of his missing father Hanzo, a samurai warrior. Kubo is never able to finish his story, as he does not know what happened to Hanzo and his mother herself cannot recall the ending due to her mental state deteriorating. Sariatu warns him not to stay out after dark as her Sisters, Karasu and Washi, and his estranged grandfather, the Moon King (who took his eye when he was a baby) will find him and take his remaining eye..
Alternative Plot: Young Kubo's (Art Parkinson) peaceful existence comes crashing down when he accidentally summons a vengeful spirit from the past. Now on the run, Kubo joins forces with Monkey (Charlize Theron) and Beetle (Matthew McConaughey) to unlock a secret legacy. Armed with a magical instrument, Kubo must battle the Moon King (Ralph Fiennes) and other gods and monsters to save his family and solve the mystery of his fallen father, the greatest samurai warrior the world has ever known.
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