Plot: Devastated by a cruel and terrible betrayal, the evil sorceress Queen Ravenna's once-kind younger sister, Freya, renounces love and sees her dormant magical powers emerge. Transformed into an all-powerful Ice-Witch with a frozen heart, Freya retreats to her new kingdom in the North, devoting all her energy to raising a large and invincible army of orphans from the conquered lands: her mighty Huntsmen. However, in this icy realm where love is a sin, two dauntless warriors--Eric and Sara--dare to defy the queen's decree and fall for each other, only to face the disastrous consequences. Now, more and more, the sinister black magic that imbues wicked Ravenna's gold Magic Mirror becomes stronger. Is there a way to stop the advent of the indefatigable dark adversary?
Alternative Plot: Betrayed by her evil sister Ravenna (Charlize Theron), heartbroken Freya (Emily Blunt) retreats to a northern kingdom to raise an army of huntsmen as her protectors. Gifted with the ability to freeze her enemies in ice, Freya teaches her young soldiers to never fall in love. When Eric (Chris Hemsworth) and fellow warrior Sara defy this rule, the angry queen does whatever she can to stop them. As war between the siblings escalates, Eric and Sara try to end Ravenna's wicked reign.
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