Mickybo and Me (2004)

Plot: Based on the play of the same name, this movie tells the story of two boys who become friends at the start of the Troubles in 1970. The boys share an obsession with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), with the consequence that they run away to Australia.

Alternative Plot: In 1970 Northern Ireland, The Troubles have made Belfast a dangerous and violent city. In the midst of this combat, two young boys from disparate backgrounds learn the value of friendship. Mickybo (John Joe McNeill) is from a large family where he's often forgotten, while Jonjo (Niall Wright) is in the middle of his parents' failing marriage. Together, they bond over a shared love of cinema and decide, after seeing a screening of "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid," to run away to Australia.

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