Plot: In 1933, in San Francisco, a boy visits the Wild West in a sideshow and meets an elderly Tonto in a chamber and the Comanche tells the story of The Lone Ranger to him. In 1869, the idealistic prosecutor John Reid returns by train to his hometown Colby. In the same train, it is traveling the criminal Butch Cavendish that will be judged for his crimes and hanged in the town due to a request of Latham Cole, who represents the railroad company. However, Butch escapes and John rides with his brother Dan Reid and six other Texas Rangers to capture him. However, the rangers are ambushed and killed by the notorious outlaw and his gang and only John survives. He teams up with Tonto to bring Butch Cavendish to justice in a dangerous journey of discoveries.
Alternative Plot: In 1933 a boy discovers an ancient Native American in a sideshow carnival tent. The Indian is Tonto (Johnny Depp), the old companion of John Reid (Armie Hammer), a lawman more famously known as the Lone Ranger. With this opportunity to set the record straight about his and Reid's adventures, Tonto recalls the day in 1869 when he first encountered the man who would be his trusted friend and tells of their teamwork bringing down Butch Cavendish (William Fichtner) and other Old West outlaws.
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