Plot: The setting begins with the introduction of Scott Murphy, former high school football hero. An injury he received during the Ohio State High School Championship game terminated his scholarship to Ohio State University and his dreams of a professional career in football. It's been twenty years since that game and Scott still resides with his family in the quiet town of Coldwater, Ohio. He has a splinted leg and has been a farmer since high school. Rather than marrying the head cheerleader, Scott marries and has two daughters with a clarinet-playing band member named Macey. Difficulties with a compromised harvest and bank obligations have caused strain on his farm, which he is in jeopardy of losing. With bad luck around every corner, Scott is not mentally prepared for the game in which he will be honored (in a halftime ceremony), and the return of his good friend Hall who made the NFL and married Scott's old high school girlfriend only adds to the depression he is feeling. An early frost and a broken soybean header bring Scott to the brink. His wife, Macey, suggests that they could pick the soybeans by hand in order to bring them to market. Scott finds this far-fetched since there are 200 acres to combine (harvest). He decides to kill himself via carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in his truck, at least his wife and two girls will receive the life insurance bonus - which is another mistake since a suicide death will not activate a life insurance payout. As he passes out, Scott wakes up back in 1991, on the eve of the big game.
Alternative Plot: A man (Brian Presley) seeks counsel from his longtime mentor (Kurt Russell) when he gets a unique opportunity to revisit his youth and the injury that ended his promising football career.
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