Plot: Detective Jack Grimaldi (Gary Oldman) takes us through his shattered life after encountering the most deadly (and deceptive) criminal he has ever had to deal with. It doesn't help that Grimladi is playing both sides against the middle. When he encounters Demarkov (Lena Olin) he thinks he can play her as he has all the other women in his life...including his wife. But Demarkov knows Jack better than he knows himself. She plays him mercilessly, all the while threatening to kill him when she tires of the game.
Alternative Plot: Jack Grimaldi (Gary Oldman) is a cop who offers tips to the Mafia for money, and cheats on his loving wife with a young mistress. His life changes when an Italian mob boss, Don Falcone (Roy Scheider), asks him to kill Mona Demarkov (Lena Olin), a Russian assassin. But Mona escapes from Jack's grasp at every opportunity, leaving him to face dire consequences, dragging him into a lethal game of cat and mouse and manipulating him into carrying out otherwise unimaginable acts.
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