Plot: Seventeen year-old Nell Margaret Sweetzer is found completely insane when trying to explain her possession by the demon called Abalam. After medical and psychological treatment, she is sent to the Deveraux transition house in New Orleans managed by Frank Merle, who helps her to start a new life. She finds a job as a hotel housekeeper, befriends her new roommates, and develops a crush on her coworker, Chris. Soon, Nell comes to realize that she is haunted by people from her cult... and by the same evil force that once possessed her. When Nell meets Miss Cecile, she tells Nell that she has been following her since the hospital. Further, she discloses that she belongs to the sect Order of The Right Hand, and that they can protect her from the evil in an attempt to divert the prophecy of an apocalypse. Will Nell accept help, and be protected from the extremely powerful, evil force Abalam -- Or will she come to accept... herself?
Alternative Plot: Found terrified and alone in rural Louisiana, Nell Sweetzer (Ashley Bell) is now safely in New Orleans. She can't remember the terrible events of the previous months, only that she is the only surviving member of her family. Nell wants to start a new life for herself, but just as she begins the difficult process, the evil force that once possessed her returns -- bringing with it unimaginably horrific plans that mean her last exorcism was just the beginning.
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