Plot: In the twilight of a once-brilliant career as an entertainer, the slender and taciturn French stage illusionist, Tatischeff, now finds himself struggling to eke out a living, against the backdrop of late-1950s rapid music hall decline. With shattered dreams and incapable of competing with the new types of entertainment, the down-on-his-luck performer leaves the neon-lit Parisian metropolis for the rain-soaked rural Scotland, only to start a chivalrous friendship with an unexpected admirer: Alice, the wide-eyed young girl who is convinced that Tati's magic is real. Indeed, the future is promising when you are a great magician; however, has anyone escaped from today's harsh truth?
Alternative Plot: Magic tricks can't compete with rock 'n' roll in the 1950s, so a French illusionist (Jean-Claude Donda) finds himself touring Scotland's shabby pubs and run-down restaurants. But things brighten for him when he meets Alice (Eilidh Rankin), a girl who believes his powers are real. Together they travel to Edinburgh for a performance, but he doesn't have the heart to reveal that his feats are merely tricks, and risks financial ruin by giving her gifts supplied by his "magic."
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