Plot: Pistachio Disguisey, a sweet-natured Italian server at his father Fabbrizio's restaurant, can't figure out why he compulsively mimics his customers and desires to change his appearance. What he doesn't know yet is that these traits are part of the Disguisey family secret legacy. The family come from a long line of masters of disguise who are able to mask themselves as almost anyone or anything by harnessing the great power of Energico. Such a talent makes Fabbrizio the kidnapping target of his former arch-enemy Devlin Bowman, a criminal mastermind. Now Pistachio must make the most of his inherited power in an attempt to track down Devilin and save his parents.
Alternative Plot: Pistachio Disguisey (Dana Carvey), a genial waiter at his father Frabbrizio's (James Brolin) Italian restaurant, possesses an uncanny knack for mimicry. What he doesn't know is that his talent is genetic, and that he is the descendent of a long line of "Masters of Disguise," all of whom have inherited the secret family gift known as Energico. Initially, Pistachio is a klutz, but little by little, he learns to harness his inherited power, and sallies forth to utilize Energico to its fullest.
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