Plot: While sketching one day, 13 year old Jo encounters a mysterious art dealer who buys a few of her drawings and commissions her to do some more. Some time thereafter she reads a news story about a million dollar sale of some drawings of a young Vincent Van Gogh. She enlists the aid of some friends and heads to Amsterdam in search of the mystery man. Or, should she go to 19th century Arles in search of Vincent himself?
Alternative Plot: Jo (Nina Petronzio) is a creative girl bound for art school who enjoys practicing her skills by reproducing famous paintings by Vincent van Gogh. While she's working on one such picture in public, a stranger purchases some of her pieces. Initially overjoyed, Jo becomes distraught when she realizes her artwork is making millions on the black market. As Jo and her best pal, Felix (Christopher Forrest), try to track down the pictures, they get some supernatural help from Van Gogh's ghost.
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