The Undefeated (1969)

The Undefeated


Plot: After the Civil War, ex-Union Colonel John Henry Thomas and ex-Confederate Colonel James Langdon are leading two disparate groups of people through strife-torn Mexico. John Henry and company are bringing horses to the unpopular Mexican government for $35 a head while Langdon is leading a contingent of displaced southerners, who are looking for a new life in Mexico after losing their property to carpetbaggers. The two men are eventually forced to mend their differences in order to fight off both bandits and revolutionaries, as they try to lead their friends and kin to safety.

Alternative Plot: Unaware that the Civil War has ended, Col. John Henry Thomas (John Wayne) successfully attacks a Confederate company led by James Langdon (Rock Hudson). With the remnants of Langdon's squadron fleeing to Mexico, Thomas and his adopted Native American son, Blue Boy (Roman Gabriel), gather a herd of horses and head for the border with their company, to sell them. After Langdon's caravan is captured by a Mexican general (Tony Aguilar), Thomas nobly sacrifices the horses to free them.

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