The Naughty Nine (2023)

Plot: Mischievous fifth grader Andy finds himself without a present from Santa on Christmas morning. Realizing he must have landed on the "naughty list" and feeling unfairly maligned, Andy pulls together a team of eight other "naughty listers" to help him execute an elaborate heist in Santa's Village at the North Pole to get the presents they feel they deserve. Along the way, the group comes to realize that the very best way off the naughty list is to redirect their unique talents for good instead of mischief.

Alternative Plot: Mischievous fifth grader Andy finds himself without a visit or presents from Santa on Christmas morning. Realizing he must have landed on the "naughty list" and feeling unfairly maligned, Andy pulls together a team of eight other "naughty listers" to help him execute an elaborate heist at the North Pole to get the presents they feel they deserve. Along the way, the group comes to realize that the very best way off the naughty list is to redirect their unique talents for good -- instead of mischief.

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