Plot: Markus, a veteran soldier in Afghanistan, returns home to take care of his daughter, Mathilde, after a horrible train accident. However, on his return, Markus has an unexpected encounter with the statistical analyst, Otto, one of the few survivors of the accident, who is convinced that there is more to this tragedy than meets the eye. Indeed, it seems that many secrets are hidden in plain sight. Now, pained and lethally dangerous Markus has no other choice but to delve deep into the mind-boggling world of possibilities to get answers to his unspoken questions. But, can he make sense of death??
Alternative Plot: RIDERS OF JUSTICE follows recently-deployed Markus (Mads Mikkelsen), who is forced to return home to care for his teenage daughter after his wife is killed in a tragic train accident. But when a survivor of the wrecked train surfaces claiming foul play, Markus begins to suspect his wife was murdered and embarks on a revenge-fueled mission to find those responsible.
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