Plot: Joanna Eberhart is a successful TV producer on the verge of yet another Emmy-winning streak of TV shows when she is fired from her job at a prestigious network. She then has a mental breakdown and her husband Walter and their two children move to Stepford, Conneticut, the most perfectly perfect little town there ever was. The women of Stepford spend all day knitting, gardening, exercising in beautiful dresses, and are the most splendid of all women on Earth. Soon, Joanna along with her best-selling author buddy, Bobbie and democratic, flamboyant fairy friend Roger realize that something isn't right in Stepford. All is not as perfect as it seems... especially after Roger and Bobbie are turned into perfect portraits of Stepford. Why are the women of Stepfrod so perfect? What do the Stepford Husbands have to do with the scheme? Will Joanna ultimately uncover the truth? Or are the Stepford coming for her to make her a blonde, bubbly piece of perfection?
Alternative Plot: After enduring setbacks in her television career, executive Joanna Eberhart (Nicole Kidman) relocates with her family from New York City to the Connecticut suburb of Stepford. While Joanna's husband, Walter (Matthew Broderick), quickly warms up to their new town, she has a hard time adjusting to Stepford's manicured environs and the overly accommodating attitude of the area women. Soon Joanna begins to suspect that something is not right, and she tries to uncover Stepford's secret.
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