Plot: Decades have passed since the first sighting of the nearly invisible extraterrestrial hunter in Predator (1987), and the urban massacre in Predator 2 (1990), and now, a hand-picked team of the world's eight most dangerous killers finds itself stranded on a mysterious, terraformed planet. Now, in the heart of the dense alien jungle, Royce, the elite mercenary, along with the other strangers in a strange land, must band together to come up with an effective defence strategy, as the unseen hunters of the pitiless but honourable race of space-warriors are picking them off for sport. Is there an escape from the deadly Game Preserve Planet?
Alternative Plot: Brought together on a mysterious planet, a mercenary (Adrien Brody) and a group of coldblooded killers now become the prey. A new breed of aliens pursues the ragtag humans through dense jungle. The group must work together to survive, or become the latest trophies of the fearsome intergalactic hunters.
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