Plot: In Louisiana, the thirty-five-year-old single mother Lavina, delivers a baby boy - and a monster - in the evil Whateley House. Ten years later, Dr. Henry Armitage and his assistant, Professor Fay Morgan, discover that page 751 of every copy of the Necronomicon is missing and the Black Brotherhood has summoned the gate keeper Yog Sothoth to leave the portal opened to the demons and ancient gods. They invite the arrogant and skeptical Professor Walter Rice, who can translate the Necronomicon, to help them to find the book. Meanwhile, Lavina's son, Wilbur Whateley, ages very fast and seeks the missing page to open the portal.
Alternative Plot: A man searches for an ancient manuscript that will enable the opening of a doorway to another dimension and will call forth hideous creatures known as the "Old Ones."
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