Plot: When not solving murders in Tinseltown, Detective Joe Gavilan and his rookie partner Kasey Calden both moonlight in other fields: Gavilan sells real estate (poorly), and Calden aspires to become an actor (Brando, namely). Assigned to the vicious in-club slaying of a promising young rap act, the two detective delve into the recording industry where they hope to find answers - ideally ones that also come with property buyers or auditions.
Alternative Plot: After music mogul Antoine Sartain's (Isaiah Washington) rappers are murdered, Sgt. Joe Gavilan (Harrison Ford) and police Detective K.C. Calden (Josh Hartnett) start to investigate. Initially distracted -- Joe by his real estate transactions, K.C. by his acting aspirations -- the partners pull together when internal affairs officer Bennie Macko (Bruce Greenwood) starts hounding Joe. The two men prove skilled at police work, but they'll also need help from Joe's psychic gal pal (Lena Olin).
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