Plot: South African pilot Dave Randall serves as courier - transporting a briefcase to American scientist, Dr Hendron. Inside the case are documents which state the star Bellus will collide with Earth, destroying it. A plan is developed to build a spaceship to carry a select few to the planet Zyra, a planet orbiting Bellus.
Alternative Plot: After Dr. Bronson (Hayden Rorke) discovers Zyra, a new planet, fellow astronomer Dr. Hendron (Larry Keating) checks Bronson's data and reaches the horrifying conclusion that Bellus, a star in Zyra's orbit, is doomed to crash into the earth within a matter of months. Meanwhile, Hendron's daughter, Joyce (Barbara Rush), has grown fond of pilot David Randall (Richard Derr), and pleads to have him brought along as a small group is relocated to Zyra to avoid the impending mass destruction.
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