Plot: In Manhattan, 10-year-old Gabe finds his first love when he meets his former kindergarten mate, eleven-year-old Rosemary, in his karate classes. Confused with his new feelings and with the divorce process of his beloved parents, Leslie and Adam, he experiences the delightful unknown sensation of being in love for the first time.
Alternative Plot: Gabe (Josh Hutcherson), a sixth grader, is partnered with Rosemary (Charlie Ray) in his karate class. Though he's known her a long time, Rosemary suddenly becomes his first crush. At home, Gabe's unhappy parents, Adam (Bradley Whitford) and Leslie (Cynthia Nixon), are waiting for their divorce to be finalized. Gabe and Rosemary begin dating, but when he realizes she'll be going away to camp soon, he panics. His attempts to permanently win her over backfire, leaving him confused and miserable.
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