Plot: In 2019, following many catastrophic natural disasters, an international coalition commissions a system of climate-controlling satellites called "Dutch Boy". After Dutch Boy neutralizes a typhoon in Shanghai, a Senate sub-committee reprimands chief architect Jake Lawson for acting without authorization and replaces him with his brother Max, who works under Secretary of State Leonard Dekkom. Three years later, a UN team stationed in the Registan Desert comes across a frozen village. As suspicions rise about the event being caused by a malfunction of Dutch Boy, the US government decides to send one person to find and fix the system. Later, Makmoud Habib, an Indian engineer working on the International Climate Space Station (ICSS), is shown copying data from the Afghanistan satellite onto an external storage device. Habib stores it in his station locker, but he is unexpectedly ejected into space and killed. After convincing President Andrew Palma to conduct an investigation, Max persuades Jake to go to the ICSS to investigate. Another satellite increases temperatures in Hong Kong, causing gas main explosions that nearly kill Max's college friend Cheng Long, the head of Dutch Boy's Hong Kong department..
Alternative Plot: After an unprecedented series of natural disasters threatened the planet, the world's leaders came together to create an intricate network of satellites to control the global climate and keep everyone safe. But now, something has gone wrong: the system built to protect Earth is attacking it, and it becomes a race against the clock to uncover the real threat before a worldwide geostorm wipes out everything and everyone along with it.
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