Plot: A New York police officer goes undercover in a dangerous crime scene to investigate abductions and drug-trafficking operations. He obtains backup with the help of another brave Hong Kong police officer who works for the NYPD. They partner up together to stop the operation before the city goes down. The criminal organization is called the "Fukanese Dragons" who are likely terrorists and illegal immigrants who are about to tear up Chinatown in New York City.
Alternative Plot: Martial arts expert Detective Nick Chen (Chow Yun-Fat) teams up with his colleague Danny Wallace (Mark Wahlberg) to keep several gangs in New York City's Chinatown from annihilating each other. They must contend not only with the increasingly power-hungry gangsters, but also with the temptation of bribery and corruption as the bad guys divide and conquer the police forces. In what's beginning to seem like a losing battle, Chen and Wallace struggle to establish law and prevent more bloodshed.
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