Plot: Set in Dallas during the assassination of Kennedy and centered on how it affected certain persons like the staff at Parkland hospital where Kennedy was brought. Abraham Zabruder, a man who was filming Kennedy as he was passing by, and managed to get a shot of Kennedy being shot. He would then be detained by the Secret Service so that they could see the film. And when Secret Service Agent Sorrels sees it, he feels responsible. And Zabruder would have to deal with people asking him for the film. Later Lee Harvey Oswald is brought in as a person of interest and when word gets out his brother, Robert is shocked. And Federal Agent, James Hosty who was investigating Oswald and he got a threatening letter from Oswald but chose not to act on it. And when his superiors learn of this, they tell him that if he had told them about Oswald, the President might still be alive. Later Oswald is shot while in police custody and is brought to Parkland.
Alternative Plot: Chaotic events take place at Parkland Hospital in Dallas after the attack that assassinated President John F. Kennedy.
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