Plot: Biopic of the famed - many would say infamous - World War II General George S. Patton, Jr. The story begins in North Africa with his appointment as the commanding general of II Corps soon after their devastating defeat at the hands of Rommel's Afrika Korps at Kasserine Pass. After leading II Corps during the invasion of Sicily, Patton faced one of his severest tests when, after slapping a hospitalized soldier suffering from battle fatigue, he is reprimanded and forced to publicly apologize. It and other faux pas ultimately leads to Patton being relieved and not being assigned to command again until several months after D-Day where he takes charge of the U.S. Third Army. Patton is portrayed as a prima donna and a hardened no-nonsense commander whose main objective is always to win - regardless of the cost which in these circumstances was mostly in the form of human lives.
Alternative Plot: Biography of controversial World War II hero General George S. Patton. The film covers his wartime activities and accomplishments, beginning with his entry into the North African campaign and ending with his removal from command after his outspoken criticism of US post-war military strategy.
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