Plot: A young boy, Gary, lives with his eccentric parents and an exotic bird in a Parisian apartment. And each night, Gary's parents Camille and Georges dance lovingly to their favorite song, Mr. Bojangles. There is only room for fun, fantasy, and friends at home. But as his mesmerizing and unpredictable mother descends deeper into her mind, it is up to Gary and his father to keep her safe
Alternative Plot: A young boy, Gary, lives with his eccentric parents Camille and Georges, and an exotic bird in a Parisian apartment -- each night, Camille and Georges dance lovingly to their favorite song, "Mr. Bojangles." At home, there is only room for fun, fantasy and friends. But as his mesmerizing and unpredictable mother descends deeper into her own mind, it is up to Gary and Georges to keep her safe.
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