Plot: On 21 October 1994, the deranged Harlan Diehl kills his family in their farm and only a baby survives. In the present days, the teenager Julian Miller borrows a camera, tripod and other equipment from his friend Quinn that works in a TV studio to make an amateurish film about the infamous Harlan Diehl with his girlfriend Riley and their classmates DeeDee Baker, Nate and Brianna Baker. Quinn sells footages of DeeDee and Brianna to the sick police officer Frank Lyons in the change room in the high school. When Julian inadvertently unleashes evil through the playback of videotapes, Quinn is possessed by Harlan Diehl and begins a violent crime spree.
Alternative Plot: A cop investigates the case of a missing local teen, though he discovers a dark secret that has been unleashed in his town and an evil spirit that will stop at nothing to find its heir.
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