Plot: The world of fine art is taken by surprise, as the elusive and nefarious globe-trotting thief known only as the "Tornado" has managed to steal various iconic artefacts of inestimable cultural value--including the precious Pink Panther Diamond--under everyone's noses. To thwart the bold plans of the mysterious cat burglar, France assembles the crème de la crème of the world's best detectives to shed light on this baffling case, risking to put Clouseau's underused talents to good use. Now--whether Chief Inspector Dreyfus likes it or not--the most bumbling investigator in all Paris is on the case, and no villain is safe. Can the lauded Inspector Clouseau pull off an unexpected victory once more?
Alternative Plot: When the world's greatest treasures, including the Pink Panther diamond, are stolen, only one man can solve the mystery: Clouseau (Steve Martin). Together with his partner Ponton (Jean Reno) and a team of international detectives, the bumbling detective must catch the thief and retrieve the artifacts -- without causing too much collateral damage.
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