Plot: Maharashtra's most powerful and influential family consists of Subhash Nagre; his wife, Pushpa; two sons: Vishnu and Shankar; and Shankar's wife, Avantika. The family face inner conflict when Vishnu departs, never to return. Then, when U.K.-based Anita Rajan approaches them for assistance for opening a power plant in Thakurwadi, Subhash initially opposes it as it could displace the local residents. He subsequently relents after Shankar persuades him. The duo travel to meet with Rao Saab, who welcomes them, but cautions them that they may face opposition from Sanjay Somji. Shankar starts to make presentations, and Sanjay virulently opposes them, leading to riots in the region. The Nagres then find their lives shattered when a pregnant Avantika is killed in a bomb explosion and Subhash suffers a stroke. Will these catastrophes compel them to move away from public life?
Alternative Plot: Maharashtra's most powerful family faces inner conflict when Vishnu departs, never to return; evil forces gang up to bring down the regime of Sarkar.
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