Plot: Shantaram is the story of an Australian character named Lindsay (Lin). Sentenced to a long, harsh prison term after his personal life spirals out of control, he escapes and makes his way to Bombay (Mumbai). Befriended by a curious character named Prabaker, by a twist of fate Lin ends up living in Prabaker's slum. Lin immerses himself in the colourful life of Mumbai and his friends from the slum, battling fires, monsoons and ultimately setting up a free medical clinic in an attemtp to make up for past transgressions. Eventually, Khader Khan, a Mumbai mafia chief takes Lin under his wing. In Lin's mind Khader takes on the role of loving father Lin never had. Their association leads Lin from Love to wretched prison life, freedom to gun running in Afghanistan and to realizations of treachery ultimately his own inner salvation
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