Plot: Shirley Valentine is a middle aged housewife, taken for granted by her husband Joe and spending her days cooking,cleaning and quite literally talking to the kitchen wall. She longs for some adventure and thinks back to her days as a carefree and rebellious teenager. Her chance for adventure comes up when her friend Jane asks her to accompany her to an all expenses paid holiday to Greece where she meets Lothario Costas, who makes feel young and alive again. When the time comes to return home, Shirley must make a decision.
Alternative Plot: Feeling trapped in a world of domesticity, Shirley (Pauline Collins), a housewife from Liverpool, England, needs a change in her life before she has another conversation with the walls. When her friend Jane (Alison Steadman) invites her on a trip to a Greek island, Shirley jumps at the chance. Upon landing, Jane ditches Shirley for a fling, which means Shirley is left to her own devices. Shirley wanders the island, meets a taverna owner (Tom Conti) and begins to find the joy in life again.
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