Plot: Against the backdrop of a seemingly endless string of mysterious incidents of satanic ritual abuse in 1990s America, the experienced small-town Minnesota detective, Bruce Kenner, is summoned to investigate the baffling case of the seventeen-year-old runaway girl, Angela Gray. Based on her handwritten letter of unsubstantiated statements, the prime suspect and Angela's father, John, confesses to the hideous crime, even though he has no recollection of his action. With the aid of the expert British psychiatrist, Professor Kenneth Raines, Kenner starts to delve deeper and deeper into the foggy landscape of fluid memories, as the doctor's regressive therapy unearths terrifying traces of occultism. Will John remember what truly happened? Is Bruce the next victim?
Alternative Plot: A detective (Ethan Hawke) and a psychoanalyst (David Thewlis) uncover evidence of a satanic cult while investigating the rape of a traumatized teen (Emma Watson).
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