Plot: College freshman Cassandra "Cassie" steps into a nightmare of otherworldly visitations after surviving a devastating car accident. Haunted by a grim reaper of a far different kind, her only hope is to cling to chance encounters with her lost love Sean and the aid of a mysterious young priest named Father Jude. It is the spirit of Sean, her soul mate, who guides her to love, but it is her friends Matt, Annabel and Annabel's morose friend Raven who try to draw her to the dark side.
Alternative Plot: Sometimes living or dying comes down to a matter of choice. It took Annabel (Eliza Dushku) and Matt (Wes Bentley) to help their shattered friend make that choice -- help that would prove a killer journey. A college freshman Cassandra Cassie (Melissa Sagemiller) steps into a nightmare of otherworldly visitations after surviving a devastating car accident.
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